Tag: VHV Versicherungen

ELIS Digital University Innovation Day Award for “BlockChains project”

0 commentsProjectsBondCredendo Excess & Suretydigital signatureFOEFOSInsuranceITKMCMGAOlimpia MGASoftwareSuretyUNICA-SparkVHV Versicherungen

     KMC & Olimpia MGA awarded for blockhain project During ELIS Digital University Innovation Day Award for “BlockChains project” The project deliverd a DLT based policy ledger to record and verify all the policies issued by Olimpia MGA. A simple tool allows users to verify the authenticity of the policies in full respect of ….  Read More

VHV Versicherungen – UNICA-Spark

0 commentsProjectsBonddigital signatureFOEFOSInsuranceITKMCMGASoftwareSuretyUNICA-SparkVHV Versicherungen

UNICA-SPARK Ins. Underwriting & Management IT-Platform   In 2018 VHV, the German Insurer specialized in construcion risks, started in Italy a FOS basis collaboration with Olimpia MGA. KMC Srl had proudly been the Advisor of this Agreement and is the IT provider with the ultimate version of UNICA-Spark IT Platform. The full features configuration for ….  Read More

Olimpia MGA – UNICA Spark Multibinder platform

0 commentsProjectsBondCredendo Excess & Suretydigital signatureFOEFOSInsuranceITKMCMGAOlimpia MGASoftwareSuretyUNICA-SparkVHV Versicherungen

  UNICA Spark has been adopted by Olimpia MGA to manage two binders and balance the risk load. Thanks to this configuration clients and brokers, working with Olimpia MGA, are able to submit policies that the back desk manages on both insurers available through a full guided underwriting process. The full features configuration includes; multibinder, ….  Read More