Our vision

KMC srl is a small IT solution provider, our team has a 15 years experience in development and integration of Management software with clients and markets in different continents.

Lots of our porojects are focused on Insurance and Financial markets:

  • Surety, CAR, Decennials, PI, … management platform
  • Brokers and Agents Accounting and managemet software
  • Mutual fund management platform.

Our philosophy

The philosophy of our business model is based on a mix of abilities and cultures to provide dinamic approach to business problems.

Our Lateral thinking approach is the base of our resilience.
Our team collects  IT Engineers, Economists, Tecnicians, Lawyers, esperienced underwriters, different cultures, different backgrounds, to help the team in building a lateral thinking approach.

Our target
is to offer disruptive innovation through IT solutions.