
Insurance & Financial platform

UNICA-Spark is tailored on the needs of
Insurance companies working through direct branches, local MGA or Wholesale brokers

Insurance companies working under Freedom of Services or Freedom of Establishment are usually medium size or big companies working with a business model based on:


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a.Small local agencies or wholesale brokers

b.Low budget of the local entities

c.Small investment in IT and Reporting & Control

d.High flexibility in terms of law, market rules, Language.

UNICA-Spark moves from a VERTICAL concept to a FRAMEWORK concept

The Insurance company will develop a software infrastructure where is located the CORE of the IT (UnderWriting controls, accounting and reporting functions, …).
The local partners will be free to use Insurers Assets such as: Front-end, e.Payment, data providers connection, data analysis, … or their own software but only in a “Front End” function, real time connected with the CORE.

UNICA-Spark Bid Bond


  • Underwriting control BEFORE underwriting process is ended
  • Real time reporting
  • Simple and immediately effective RULES MANAGEMENT
  • 100% Market flexibility
  • Simple delivery of tools to all the network
  • Complete and up to date ANALYTICS
  • Time and cost saving reporting from UnderWriters.